Home » Do You Have a Filter?
Do You Have a Filter?
November 22, 2019 |
We live in a time when every kind of knowledge is at our fingertips. We can order a book on kindle and have it in seconds. We can google any phrase and immediately know who said it. We can research a topic and come up with millions of “hits.” Before we know it, we can […]

We live in a time when every kind of knowledge is at our fingertips. We can order a book on kindle and have it in seconds. We can google any phrase and immediately know who said it. We can research a topic and come up with millions of “hits.” Before we know it, we can be down the rabbit hole filling our minds with useless, if not harmful, information.

Gone are the days when Biblical principles governed our education and political systems. We can no longer assume that the shows played on a kids’ channel will be appropriate. Even books published by Christian organizations can’t be blindly trusted. So how do we navigate this ocean of information?  We must filter it.

But, in order to filter the information, we must first have the filter. I spent so much of my life as a Christian thinking that was all I needed. I was saved, so nothing else was too important. I knew the Bible stories, I could recite the books of the Bible (only in Spanish, though, and I still revert back to that), and I could give you all of the Sunday school answers. But when it came to the day-to-day decisions, I relied on the knowledge I had accumulated, most of which was not filtered through the lens of Scripture.

I wanted to be someone to whom people came for advice. I wanted to give godly counsel. I found myself frustrated because even I recognized the advice I was giving was worldly (and I am so thankful it was rarely heeded!). Then everything changed.

I started studying my Bible and really pursuing the application of Scripture. I don’t have it all figured out yet (it won’t happen this side of Heaven), but God’s Word has changed me. I am more confident in my decision-making. I pray with others rather than giving them advice. I am often overwhelmed by the answers the Holy Spirit gives me to my kids’ tough questions.

I am still walking this road, and I would love for you to join me! I have created a course, Captive Thoughts, that lines out practical steps to recognize God’s voice, bear His image, and renew your mind. If you would like more information about the course, you can reach out to me, or click this link.

If you aren’t ready to take the plunge yet but would like to take a baby step in the right direction, download my free Bible Study Worksheet here.

I encourage you to spend time in God’s Word, not only to gain knowledge, but also to get to know Him. He wants you to know Him!


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Hi! I’m Kelli!

I teach women to study the Bible on their own so they don’t have to depend on someone else to tell them what it means. Then we apply what we’ve learned, being faithful to walk as Scriptures instructs us.

If you would like to download my FREE Bible study workbook, just input your info below, and it will be delivered to your inbox.

For Further Reading: