Home » Bible Study Step 1: Prayerfully Read the Passage
Bible Study Step 1: Prayerfully Read the Passage
July 8, 2022 |
Updated. This Bible study post was originally published on May 13, 2020. In the last post, we walked through the introduction to this series by discussing the basic tools you need for Bible study. If you missed that post, you can read it here. Now let’s get started with the steps to study Scripture for […]
Prayerfully Read the Passage

Updated. This Bible study post was originally published on May 13, 2020.

In the last post, we walked through the introduction to this series by discussing the basic tools you need for Bible study. If you missed that post, you can read it here. Now let’s get started with the steps to study Scripture for ourselves.

Bible Study Step 1: Prayerfully Read the Passage

This step may seem pretty simple,  but remember, the goal is to really know the passage at the end of this process, so prayerfully reading the passage needs to be intentional. Let’s break this down a bit.


Before you begin to study, you need to pray. You need to ask the Holy Spirit to partner with you. This means praying that He will keep the distractions at bay (the enemy will throw everything at you because he wants to make you ineffective), help you see things you haven’t seen before, and show you how the passage should change you.

This step requires you to put yourself in an environment conducive to learning. This will look different for each individual. For you, it might be music playing in the background before the kids get up, sitting in your special chair with a cup of coffee. It could look like reading on your phone in the middle of the night while you’re rocking a baby to sleep. Maybe it will be sitting on the park bench listening to the passage in one ear while you keep the other ear attuned to the kids playing on the playground. The point is, be open and receptive to what the Holy Spirit wants to teach you, and place yourself in a position and environment that is conducive to accomplishing that goal.


When you read the passage, focus on the words used. If there is a word you don’t know, look it up or write it down for future research. Read the passage in several different translations. You can find apps with different translations and that also allow you to listen while you read along or do your chores.

Another great way to pore over the passage is to write it out with your own hand. Use that notebook we discussed in the last post. Choose one of the translations and copy the text. There is a strong connection created in your brain when you physically write something out.


Prayerfully Read the Passage

And then take a minute to journal your thoughts. Did the reading bring up any questions? Did anything strike you as odd or impressive? Did you learn something new? This journaling doesn’t have to be long and involved, just jot down your first impressions as a place to begin. 

If you have never done Bible study on your own or if this is a particularly busy season in your life, this may be as far as you want to go with the process. It is the most important step because the Word of God is living and active. Just spending intentional time in the Word will change your life.


Walk through this process using Proverbs 3:5-8. The first two verses might seem familiar to you, but you might be surprised how many nuggets we gloss over when the passage is well-known.

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Hi! I’m Kelli!

I teach women to study the Bible on their own so they don’t have to depend on someone else to tell them what it means. Then we apply what we’ve learned, being faithful to walk as Scriptures instructs us.

If you would like to download my FREE Bible study workbook, just input your info below, and it will be delivered to your inbox.

For Further Reading: