Home » Pray through the Book of Colossians
Pray through the Book of Colossians
March 25, 2022 |
Prayer |
When we pray Scripture, it helps us understand the passage in more depth and allows us to talk to God in His own words. I encourage you to use this prayer as an example and then make it your own as you pray through the book of Colossians. Lord, I pray that faith in Christ […]
Praying through the Book of Colossians

When we pray Scripture, it helps us understand the passage in more depth and allows us to talk to God in His own words. I encourage you to use this prayer as an example and then make it your own as you pray through the book of Colossians.


I pray that faith in Christ Jesus will be known across the city, nation, and world. Give me love for the saints because of our shared hope of Heaven. May the Gospel bear fruit and increase. May I be a faithful minister of Christ and be filled with the knowledge of God’s will so I can walk in a manner worthy of the Lord and be pleasing to Him.

May I bear fruit by my good works, increase in knowledge, be strengthened for endurance and patience, and give thanks for being qualified by God to share in the inheritance of His kingdom, for being delivered from the domain of darkness and transferred to Christ’s kingdom, and for redemption and forgiveness of my sins.

Christ is the image of God and the highest in rank. He created all things, and He sustains His creation. He is the head of the church, He is preeminent in everything, and the fullness of God dwells in Him. He makes peace between me and God through His blood. He reconciled me to Himself in spite of my hostility and evil deeds, and He presents me holy and blameless and above reproach before God!

May I remain faithful, stable and steadfast, in hope. I pray that I rejoice in my sufferings for the sake of other believers that they may be strengthened through my testimony. What a marvelous gift that, by grace, God included Gentiles in His work of redemption! May I strive in His strength and not my own.

May I reach full assurance of understanding and knowledge of Christ and not be deluded with the plausible arguments of this world.

May I walk in Christ in the same way I received Him: rooted and built up in Him, established in the faith, and abounding in thanksgiving.

May I not be taken captive by worldly ideas.

May I be grateful for being made alive with Him, being forgiven all my trespasses, and having my record of debt canceled.

He has disarmed and put to shame the rulers and authorities.

May I not get hung up on traditions that are a mere shadow of things to come.

May I never take away or add to the Gospel.

May I always hold fast to Christ!

Help me to seek things that are above with Christ, and to set my mind on things above and not on things on the earth. I want to put to death earthly things and put on the new self, which is renewed in knowledge, demonstrating compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, patience, love, peace, and gratitude, bearing with others and forgiving others.

I pray the Word of God will dwell in me continually through teaching, admonishing, worshipping, and thanking.

May I do everything in the name of Jesus.

I pray that I will submit to my husband as my God-given authority. I pray that my husband will love me as Christ loves the church. I pray that my children will obey. I pray that my husband and I will not provoke them. I pray that we will all submit to authority with sincerity of heart, for the Lord and not men. I pray that we will conduct ourselves in justice and fairness to those who submit to us.

Help me to be steadfast in prayer, always watching. May the Gospel go out. May I make the best use of the time, season my speech with grace, and know how to answer each person in every situation with truth in love.

In Jesus’ name,


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