Home » The Enneagram & Why I Deleted a Recent Post
The Enneagram & Why I Deleted a Recent Post
April 3, 2020 |
You may or may not have noticed that earlier this week, I published a post to my feed about the Enneagram, and later that same day, I deleted it. I want to talk about why I felt convicted enough to do that. Let me start by giving you a little bit of my background with […]

You may or may not have noticed that earlier this week, I published a post to my feed about the Enneagram, and later that same day, I deleted it. I want to talk about why I felt convicted enough to do that.

Let me start by giving you a little bit of my background with the Enneagram so you can understand my point of view. The first time I heard of the Enneagram was in a business context. It was coming up repeatedly in conversations with my team in the network marketing business with which I am partnered. And it seemed that every business podcast I listened to or blog I read, whether Christian or secular, was talking about the Enneagram. 

I was not introduced to the Enneagram as a spiritual tool until I got curious enough to Google “Is the Enneagram biblical?” At that point, I came across many well-respected Christians who were using it personally and in their ministries. Then a friend introduced me to my Enneagram mentor who approached it completely from a spiritual and biblical standpoint. When she explained it, it made sense to me, I understood it, and I could see the spiritual implications. I was hooked!

I have been studying the Enneagram for about a year. I have had so much fun with it! I have enjoyed what it says about me and why I do the things I do. I have paid closer attention to my marriage based on what it says about my husband’s personality. I have had serious conversations and fun conversations with my kids about topics the Enneagram has introduced. I can honestly say that I have learned a lot over the last year.

But let’s be clear about something: the Enneagram is made up! You can search your Bible from cover to cover, and you will not find a single mention of the Enneagram. There is some debate about the origins of the Enneagram, but whether it is an ancient tool or was devised in the 20th century, it is still a human invention. As such, it is fallible. The Enneagram is yet another way mankind has sought to understand the things that are revealed to us by the Holy Spirit through Scripture.

Some things you should know about the Enneagram:

  1. The Enneagram is a tool for self-discovery, self-knowledge, and self-examination. Left to itself, the Enneagram will never point you to Jesus. Instead, it will point you to yourself.
  2. In and of itself, the Enneagram will never spotlight your sin. Instead, it will reveal your “hidden” self and ask you to be gracious with yourself.
  3. While the Enneagram encourages change, it is not change for the purpose of sanctification, but it’s change for the purpose of becoming the best version of yourself.

Can the Enneagram be used for spiritual renewal and sanctification? To do so will require deliberately adding a biblical filter, intentionally searching for sin in your life and repenting of said sin, and applying A LOT of discernment, which only comes from the Word and requires you to spend more time in your Bible than you spend in the Enneagram.

Here’s the bottom line: I never want to point you to anything but the Word of God. I want to be known as someone who always points you to the inerrant, infallible, absolute truth of Scripture–no matter the topic, struggle, or insight we discuss. So while I believe the Enneagram might help some in their spiritual walk, I also believe to others it will be a stumbling block. And I don’t want to cause you to stumble.

That is why I was convicted as people commented on my post, and I felt I should delete it. Rather than pointing you to a manmade tool, I should be pointing you to the Word.

I would love to answer any questions you have or go deeper in this conversation with you if you’re interested. My goal has not been to judge but to extend grace and provide some direction.

If there is someone in your life who you feel needs this information, feel free to share this post with him or her.

1 Comment

  1. Cyndee

    I so appreciate your honesty and your desire to point people to the Word above all else. The enemy is a master at distraction and deception!


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I teach women to study the Bible on their own so they don’t have to depend on someone else to tell them what it means. Then we apply what we’ve learned, being faithful to walk as Scriptures instructs us.

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For Further Reading: